Saturday, January 2, 2010

How about that Rose Bowl?

Happy New Year! The first day of the New Year was filled with Football!!! The best bowl of the day was the Rose Bowl! My dh loves The Ohio State University, and is a native Buckeye although he did not get to grow up in the state and wishes he had. Personally, I'm glad his family moved to Kansas or our paths might not have joined. :)

He is wearing his spirit necklace, Rosebowl cap, and special commemorative Rose Bowl tshirt in the photo, which we really took to share with my good friend Mo! Maureen sent him the necklace which includes Olivia's name in beads. Grandpa will eventually pass it along to her, filled with his love and enthusiasm for The Ohio State University.♥

I added the final score to the photo this morning, so that we will remember it, and the wonderful game we watched. It was a great matchup with the Ducks going ahead in the 2nd half. That added to the thrill of victory at the end. My dh loves a good game, and doesn't usually pick a side. So of course, when he does have a favorite, we both want them to win! Go Bucks! Way to start the New Year off right!

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Now there is a well dressed fan! What fun!! GO BUCKS!! how many days to Michigan? ;)