Thursday, January 21, 2010

Grateful for being a mom and grandma

Last night, our daughter and I had a wonderful phone conversation, which is of course between us. But as much joy as a child can bring to a mother, is not even in the same ball park as the joy of being able to visit adult to adult with the child grown up. Our granddaughter is growing so quickly, and that makes us all "happy, happy" but also feel how quickly the time of her childhood is passing.

So enjoy as much of each day as you can, we'll be trying to do the same. Remember that years from now you can't get back the precious moments of your child's childhood. Our daughter makes me proud of her as a mother. I know she'll be a great grandmother someday, but thankfully that is YEARS away. Still many childhood firsts for all of us to enjoy. Personally, this grandma is looking forward to our first Leap Year Leap Day birthday...and that is still 2 years away.


Primitives By The Light of The Moon said...

Your absolutely right they grow up so fast...the JOY of being a parent and then the BLESSING of being a grandparent is something to be treasured!

Cotton Eyed Jo said...

Your grandson Sloan is one lucky grandkid too! :)