Wednesday, April 9, 2008

5 things you don't know about me....

Thanks, for the tag Leanne! Hmmmm, I could type many things about myself, but the truth is most of it is just not that interesting.

1. I've been a teacher for 35 years, but started the job 40 years ago. (1968)
2. I didn't learn to drive until after getting married... my dh taught me.
3. Couldn't back up a car with a trailer hitched to the back of it if the lives of everyone dear to me depended on it. Some dyslexic brain thingie of overthinking which way to turn the steering wheel.
4. My favorite flowers don't grow in the state where we live, or at least not near where we live...lilacs, forsythia, peonies, all need much colder weather than Houston gets in the winter.
5. Students from my first year as a teacher are now in their 50s! I had this little revelation myself in the shower a morning or two ago...

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Jo, judging by your taste in favorite flowers I think you have a bit of the northener somewhere in that grand Texas heart of yours. Ü Mo