In the "old days" tags were little piece of scratchy cloth sewn in as a label to tell about product care or the brand name of items. Now-a-days a tag is a great way to find connections with others of similar interests. Tags are a search term, or of course can be lovely awards from a friend.
I was actually tagged twice today. The first tag I knew about was from my friend Debbie, of Simple Country Blessings, and it is a question to be answered. "How did you decide on your business name?" Cottoneyedjo Cotton Eyed Jo is how I signed the most recent wedding quilt given as a gift. The quilt was a TX version of one of my favorite quilt patterns that combines a star block and a snowball block. It is usually called Tennessee Waltz. But this quilt was made for a TX couple and filled with bluebonnet fabrics. So I renamed it, "Texas Two Step" Now if you are familiar with this popular dance, you probably also know the song "Cotton Eyed Joe". Since my nickname is Jo, I LOVE Cotton(wool, chenille,etc) it was a natural. My ebay user name is also well deserved. Over there I'm known as swimminginfabric! If you saw my sewing room, (and you won't!) you might agree with one of my quilting bee members who said, I really should have called myself drowninginfabric! LOL I truly have a TX sized stash!
My second tag was from another dear friend, and the only commenter at my blog so far. Betty of PrimitiveBettys. ;) She is the leader of our PRHG group on ebay, a prolific creative spirit, and one of the most generous hearts, I've ever encountered. She gave me a "you make my day tag", which I discovered when reading her comment! Thanks Betty! You make my day regularily!