Tuesday, November 29, 2011

So sweet....

Our daughter just emailed me a picture of the play table in our granddaughter's room. The two elves are Poppy and Moppy and anyday I expect another may appear to watch me. But what I so wanted to share was Livvie's note to Santa on the drawing board. It says"I will be good for toys..."

When she was less than 2 was her first Christmas with an elf. One time while she was on the changing table, I was talking to her about Santa, and being good, and she literally did an eye roll signal to me to look up at the elf... lol. I made sure to brag about how nicely she was cooperating, whenever the elf was near.  She is a good hearted little girl, with a streak of mischief. The elves may have to turn their heads a time or two between now and Christmas.


Julia said...

Aww, some of life precious moments. JB

Cotton Eyed Jo said...

No question she is toy centric... at Thanksgiving, she was thankful for?


How are your daughter and relatively new grandson doing?

Julia said...

My grandson is walking while holding on to something and is such a happy boy and my daughter just returned to work while her husband is staying at home for the next two months of maternal leave and then my grandson will go to day care. JB

Cotton Eyed Jo said...

Wow, time has surely flown by since his birth. Great that both parents can spend some time with him before he has to do the daycare. :)